Saturday morning, and it's flat calm and dry after last night's torrential rain and the 'ooligan that was blowing. I wonder how long the calm will last. I have a sneaking suspicion that mothr nature is just getting her breath back, getting ready for another go!
can't do anything about it, so have a good weekend everyone.
Morning boys.. woke up to find son missing from his bed... only to be located on the couch. Blimey, he's only 10! Lordy knows what's in store for me in his teenage years...!! Taking Gray shopping today, so watch out for 'mother flings herself of carpark roof' stories on the news from the East Midlands later on this evening...
Morning hippy. xxx I lost t'internet for while. back now though (Obviously!) Jumping off of m,ulti storey carparks has the potential to muck up the whole day hippy. so don't go too near the edge!
WBM - you've not had the misfortune of meeting Gray.. typical 15 year old girl.. hence the leaping off the multi-story car park! If we both survive this shopping trip and are still talking to each other by 5 o'clock I shall be amazed!!!
Nope, must admit I have never had the pleasure of meeting Gray. I have, however had to deal with two teenage boys. Somewhat along the same lines I should think! Don't argue, be reasonable. It annoys the hell out of them, but they soon realise they will not win, then they are going to do their best to salvage what shreds of dignity they can. It works!
Morning all - rough night here and after a bit of calm it's starting to get windy again. fortunately i don't have a lot to do today so will be idle
have a good day everyone xxxx
Hello all, went out for a bithday meal last night, very nice too, threw it down on our way home so I was wet on the outside as well as the
have a good day
Bobbi x