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tinkerbell23 | 00:26 Tue 17th Nov 2009 | Body & Soul
38 Answers
LOTS on my plate cant sleep before at least 4am mostly....any ideas to help me off to moving soon think thats keeping me up thinking about wht needs off to docs soon if it dosent stop!!!!!

cheers guys xxxxxxxx


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try writing everything down that bothering you then you might be able to sleep! it sometimes help cause then you don't risk forgetting what u need to do.
I find this helps.. x
Are you deeply against sleeping tablets ? I use them when I get bothered about not sleeping . I generally have no trouble dropping off but wake up with my mind racing at about 2am . I then take just half a pill and it holds me down until about 6.30. No hangover either.
Read a book. No matter how good it is, I am nodding off after a few pages.
I also keep spare bed made up ready and if I change beds to read a while it doesn't disturb OH .
Hi tinkerbell23, I went through a phase of not being able to drop off/stay asleep. I tried everything from lavender pillows, scented candles and in the end an American friend of mine suggested Tylenol PM. Unfortunately they are not available in the UK but you can buy them on line. I sent off for some and they cost about 10 quid plus postage for 150 caplets, and it is their own website (that was in 2007 and I still take them now and again and they are great) and they don't make you feel groggy in the morning either, you just get a really refreshed night's sleep. If you don't want to do that then I also tried heating up some milk, added a large slug of whisky, held my nose and drank it straight down I did have a good night but woke quite early. Lack of sleep is the worst torture of all so I hope you find your remedy soon.
Question Author
same again last night!! thanks for all ur tablets..but mabye doc will prescribe something for me!! i have the lavender things...i cant sleep normally without reading...funny that!!! i do have a wee read...ill try everyhting i can! thanks guys........xxxxx
Night night Tinks , I feel a bit more inclined to sleep tonight though it may be exhaustion lol . You take care

Mamya ♥
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ooh tonyted what an offer, how could a gal refuse ♥
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Mamya, I'm shocked. You're supposed to play hard to get. x
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Lol Tony. Do you have that effect on all the ladies?
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Well I have trouble sleeping too, so in that case can you push Mamya over a bit and I'll be over soon. You can be the meat in the sandwich!
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I dont know what it`s like to have a good night`s sleep either. I`ve tried everything with no success. I often read book a night & not a small one either.

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