Is there any nice way of telling somebody they are overweight. My blokes neice is very large for her age she's 4 and eats alot. Its not her fault as the parents let her have up to 4 choc cake bars after her tea. I wouldnt tell her myself but just wondered if there was any nice way to tell them they feed her way too much. Her mums is quite large so I often wonder why she would feed her child like that when she is always going on fad diets.
Oh dear poor little girl. It so often is the case that fat children belong to fat parents. No nice way I'm afraid. Is it your place to mention it though. Are you on really good terms with her Mum? Difficult to advise 4get.
I'd just bite the bullet and ask the mother why she is allowing her child to binge on junk food which could give rise to a lifelong battle with weight/food....
i think itd just stir up trouble if you said anything, unless specifically asked for your opinion. Parents dont like being told that their child is chubby (or skinny for that matter)
thats what I mean loftie I wouldnt mention it at all. Just had me thinking what other people would say if they had to. I am close to her mum but no mother wants to hear that they arent feeding their child right and I wouldnt want to see what the consequences were. The mum has split up with the dad recently so the child gets alot because they tend to give her things so she doesnt run to the other and say 'mummy/dady wouldnt let me have that' Its just a while ago they said they were starting her swimming to lose some weight and dance classes but they still let her have cake bars, icecream all after tea. She does eat her tea though and all her veggies
Overfeeding a child junk food, thus exposing them to serious health problems in later life, is tantamount to cruelty. The child is at a very impressionable age and will likely carry her eating habits into adulthood. Best to nip it in the bud now...
I would also be subtle and say something innocuous like..........."hey fatty bum bum
you sweet sugar dumpling, hey fatty bum bum, let me tell you something"......OR............"would you like to be a model when you grow up?..........then stop gorging yourself on cakes then!!!.".
Bless only 4, she is heading for a life of misery and bad health, if she does'nt lose some weight.....and soon :0 ( ( problem is Christmas next.......and we all over eat at christmas, dont we? )
she asks for a cakebar after tea and they give her 2 and then she says can I have another and they say let that go down a bit and half hour later they give her another. As far as I know though she almost always comes home with a lunch box full of food. This isnt because she isnt hungry its because she spends her lunchtime talking lol