The other day a tiny little spot appeared on my cheek... and, me being me, I just couldn't leave it alone!! It now looks like a little water blister/ bubble, what can I do?? Anyone else ever experienced anything like this?? I really wish I'd just left it alone :( !!!
Thank you x x
I would try a little dab of Hydrogen Peroxide, low volume, from the chemist. Put it on with a cotton bud. People say Hydrogen Peroxide burns the skin but I use it on spots as an antiseptic all the time and it seems to clear them up. It will make the spot go 'white' as if it is bleached for a little while, but don't worry. If it doesn't clear, just check it out with your doctor.
As Sqad says, leave it alone. It'll go away on its own.
If it was chickenpox, you'd almost certainly have a rash of the spots on your face rather than an isolated spot. Chickenpox usually appears on the abdomen and back first before spreading to the arms. legs and face. It's very likely you'd have had flu-like symptoms before the appearance of the rash as well.