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madonna songs

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alfjozaclola | 17:42 Thu 16th Dec 2004 | Music
3 Answers

can anyone please tell me what these maddonna songs are called? in the video for the first she is dressed like a geisha girl with the black very shiny straight bob hair cut, and she is singing in what looks like an ally way of some sort? the other i think is a slow song (not this used to be my play ground! yuk) she is  sat on a bed and i think someone is watching her from above (sorry not much to go on i know) thinking about it, it might feature christopher walkden in the video or i might have dreamt it. these are about the only 2 songs i like by her and don't actually know what they are called.

any who cheers!!!!

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I think the one with Christopher Walken in it is Called Bad Girl but not sure about the other one.

geisha one is 'nothing really matters' apparently

and the walken one is 'bad girl' 

The slow one could be 'Oh Father', which goes like this:

You can�t hurt me now
I got away from you
I never thought I would
You can�t make me cry
You once had the power
I never felt so good about myself


Except I don't think Cristopher Walken was in the video. But that's my favourite Madonna song. Really moving.

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