I am so terrible at waking up in the morning and wondering if anyone has any tips?
im a healthy 27 year old and go to bed at 11 lights out by 11.30 and my alarm goes off at 7.15 it then takes me like 30 minutes to properly wake up and get out of bed and still feel like rubbish by 9.30.
is there any way to wake me up better in the mornings?
I don't get up very well neither but have found by putting the alarm on half an hour before I get up and on snooze it helps. Also, drinking a tall glass of water when I wake makes me feel less lethargic when I do get up.
Put one of those old alarm clocks (with the two bells and the clanger) in a metal biscuit tin at the other end of the bedroom. That should get you up :-)
its because you are in a deep sleep. Set your alarm for 6.00am then reset for 7.15 will feel like you've had a little lay in. Or set your clock forward half hour so you get up at 7.45 feels later but really its 7.15
Ha ha square bear! the problem is i would just get back into bed!!! my mate has machine gun fire as his alarm and thats what works for him! i do need to start doing that though leaving my alarm at other end of room!
I have the zen alarm clock and it's worth every penny. Have to warn you, it's a bit sensitive, if you move it about it may not go off the next warning, or if you pack the batteries too tight etc, so you should keep a "back-up" alarm:) But most days it does go off and it's everything they say it is http://www.now-zen.co...E=&ORDER_ID=!ORDERID!
Ive heard of this alarm that is on wheels, and you keep it on the floor next to your bed, when it goes off at say 7:15, it rolls away from you so you have to chase it around ur house before you can turn it off, apparently it works really well. im sure that'll wake u up good and proper.
def gonna try the alarm at other end fo room and glass of water and see how i feel! sometimes just waking up and putting telly on makes me feel better but will try the above tomorrow and report back!