You are making your decision based on fear. This is not the way to go because being a mother is about love, courage and trust. By breastfeeding your baby you will experience a wonderful feeling of love that will last a life time and your baby will have not just the physical benefits of breast milk, but also the emotional ones. What you need is education on breastfeeding and support! Yes, there are lots of horror stories about difficult breastfeeding but you will be missing something really special.
Take a breastfeeding course before the baby is born and look for a lactation consultant in your area that can teach you how to properly latch your baby on the breast at birth. It will be a lot easier.
I have nursed all my three children and I loved it. Such a wonderful feeling holding your baby in your harms. It also works well when they are unhappy , wake up at night and fall right back to sleep. I admit, with my first I had lots of problems, but that is because I did not have the right support right at the beginning. If you get informed, like you are doing now, you will not make the same mistake, right?
Learn more about the correct breastfeeding positions for nursing: