Lately i have been experiencing leg cramps, loss of concentration, blurred vision, dizziness, loss of appetiatte, headaches, sore eyes baackache and tiredness. i dont know what it is any ideas :)
Nope nothing. I had headaches before the the dizziness started but then i had a nosebleed. again. so i just wanted another pinion before i went to the doctors. i carnt concentrate on any thing its annoying i try but then i just go into my own world.
Headaches, loss of appetite, tiredness, loss of concentration... all those symptoms can be attributed to stress. The other symptoms can be referred from those above.
I was very stressed last year and started having symptoms of Epstein Barr, but tests came back negative. I had enlarged liver and spleen, jaundiced eye balls, swollen glands, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. The never got to the bottom of it, so could only attribute it to stress.