my friends son is going to court soon
he has a brain of a ten yr old
phyically ok
he has touched a women on a bus
which we believe is untrue
he has to get a tazi with hisparents
his dad has diabetes triple by pass
the son is on benefits like his dad
would they be entitled for a refund of the taxi fare
thanks for reading this
if it's anything like the help with health costs scheme, they will only be refunded the amount of the cheapest way to travel there - ie get the bus fare, and he will probably only qualify homself, not someone to go with him. However, i'm not sure even such a thing exists for court appearances
"I just robbed Lloyds TSB and shot and killed three people, including a policeman. I have to go to court on Monday. Would I be better buying a day saver ticket or a normal return ticket as the day saver is 10p cheaper?"