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Jan1957 | 00:17 Tue 27th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
After all we've been through recently hubby went to work this evening and was told he no longer has a job. The club AGM was yesterday and it was decided that they couldn't afford to pay him sick pay so would not be renewing his contract. He has only just started his chemo and they have no idea how much time he will have to take off sick. Talk about kicking someone while they're down!


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I answered on the other one Jan - that is total crap - has he any comeback against them
What a set of barstards long has he worked there?
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Just read through his contract peri and yes, it looks like it. Apparently they should have renewed his contract before the AGM. Bastards though! It's just unbelievable!
What work does he do and where?
So sorry to hear that jan, sometimes it seems there's no justice in the world. I hope your luck changes.
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He started 6th April last year so been there just over a year and it states in his contract that it is a yearly contract so if they are not renewing it surely they have to till 6th April 2011. We have a friend who is very clued up on this club business and will be contacting him.
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He is a Bar Steward of a social club craft.
What B'stards they must be to do something like that
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Thanks peri, at least you made me smile, sort of. :-( Getting harder by the minute.
That is truly dreadful jan, please try as hard as you can not to let it get you down, speak to macmillan they know all about what you should get help with in this situation.
Take care my love.
I can only imagine but it will get better and you have to believe that. Has he just come home now with the news ?
Surely if his last contract ended on the 6th April and he's still working he must have a 'deemed' contract........I'd consult an employment expert.
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Thank you mamya. Yes peri, an hour ago. Apparently two committee members were waiting for him when he got to work. I really feel like hitting someone at the moment!

Ok deep breaths. I'm ok, just very sad. I know it will hit him hard. All the time he is working he's ok but if he has to spend time at home he will get fed up and I don't want him to start giving up.
He must be in shock at the moment
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He's such a laid back person peri that he's just taken it in his stride. I'm just so angry for him. He's such a hard worker and when he had to take time off still phones them to see if they are ok.

Sorry, think I should sign off cos tonight life sucks! Night all. xx
I agree vibes.......I'd write to the local and national press.
Yes....and tell them you're going to the press.
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