A relative of mine aged 24 who was born severely and mentally disabled has had pneumonia and has been in ITU for 6 weeks not showing much improvement. She has now been transferred onto a ward but still has ITU doctors visit her. Her mother is quite vague with her information and has told us she is being transferred into a hospice for a while while they "adjust her house" so she can go home and receive palliative care - does this mean they are sending her home because they cant help her anymore...........?
pallitive care in my understanding is they will get your relative home and keep her comfortable with the help of nurses and day to day care to support her at home. i hope it all works out well for her.
Yes, but hopefully they can arrange things so she can spend the time she has left in comfortable, familiar surroundings with the people who care most for her, Palliative care usually means care designed to manage troublesome or painful symptoms without attempting to treat or cure the underlying condition. Sounds like the professionals looking after her are doing the very best for your relative