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Is Clinical depression curable?

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rov1200 | 20:13 Mon 31st May 2010 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
Or does it come and go? Is it a lifetime affliction and only curable with tablets?


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rov, I did not in any way mean to imply - and I don't think I did in my answer - that I in any way doubted that your depression, diagnosis and treatment were anything but real.

If I gave that impression, please forgive me.

katmakenian - thank you for your kind words - much appreciated. x
Andy-Hughes -You're very welcome hun - just wish there were more of us like-minded thinking people out there - then the world would be a much happier place! Take good care of you :-) K x
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Andy, thank goodness its not my depression but a relative. One minute he was a happy 18 year old enjoying life then suddenly he bunked off college, shut himself in his room lost weight, took no interest in anything, and swore at his parents. At such a young age it would be a disaster if he carried on like this for the rest of his life.
It is a sad fact of life that people are allowed to have physical illnesses but not mental illnesses. They can turn up out of the blue at stages of your life and you can get over then have another episode or no more episodes. The fact that this person has clinical depression currently does not mean that it will last a lifetime or even very much longer by any means. Without going into details I do know what I am talking about.
Low serotonin levels in CD are related to negative thinking patterns. It is possible to change your ways of thinking but it's a difficult process as closing down neuropathways that are well-established and opening up new ones is hard bloomin work (I speak from experience). You have to really want to do it. CBT is a very useful tool to help you with his but a lot of people need to understand themselves and their lives a bit more before they can begin the process of change.

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Is Clinical depression curable?

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