A recent study has shown that if you stroke your lettuce regularly, as well as keeping it moist & sufficiently fed, it will thrive and ultimately taste better.
How about it ladies? - Do you agree that Lavishing your Lavatula, Caressing your Coriander and tenderly fingering your Clematis makes for a happier flourishing garden?
Those are excellent ideas for one's garden salla and I have found the introduction of a rabbit is not the cause for concern that some gardeners might fear!
I am so glad you all agree with me - we have some serious DIY gardeners here I see. I prefer my clematis up a wall carrust, but am not averse to have it trailing langourously across a bed.
I do not discourage rabbits carrot - only slugs.
Well SOMETHING has been having a go at my lettuce, and it isn't slugs - I put sunken plastic cups of beer out for them.....I think a good Rake is necessary sometimes..