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NoMercy | 06:58 Mon 07th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I quite often skip what most would deem the most important meal of the day, but I don't want any embarrassing noises emanating from my tummy this morning.

I've just had a sliced banana, a tbsp of muesli, some chopping dates and walnuts and a Rachel's Organic thick and creamy cherry yoghurt poured over the top. That was accompanied by a cup of Darjeeling... Delicioso....

What have you had this morning?


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a cup of PG Tips and now a cup of Nescafe Original
I'm with option A.. nothing! I find it really hard to eat in the morning :o/

what are you up to today, that you can risk a little gurgling?
Coffee and cigarettes....

I usually have milkshake but someone drank it all :-(

ps....dinner was lush :-)
*can't, even!
Porridge and a banana. Washed down with 2 mugs of tea. The porridge is supposed to be good for me but it's nowhere near as tasty as my fav scrambled eggs, bacon, and fried tomatoes.
morning NoM .im having a bowl of fruit and fiber.
Toast with honey, boiled egg, vegtable juice and exotic fruit yogurt. Mmmmmmm.
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Nice one, Ummmm. I hope he took you somewhere fab and horrendously expensive.

Sara... Work meeting. I don't want any tummy rumbling. That's would just be wrong.

Bibble... Man cannot live on caffeine alone !

Sandy... Porridge is a great breakfast food and low GI too.

my4ds... I haven't had Fruit and Fibre for yonks...
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xstitcher... that's not breakfast... that's a banquet.
fry--4/5 bits of bacon-3 fat pork sausages-3 duck eggs ( a la runny)-soda bread
&mug of tea(white ,no sugar)
nice one sandy i also had porridge( avena con miel en español) with some yummy local honey, cherries, dates, and a banana. i made mine with soya milk, but always made the night b4. washed down with fresh ground coffee
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I see they're making bread in Spain with Avena now, Piggy. I must admit, I never found a miel that I liked over there. Nothing compares to Herefordshire Honey I'm afraid. Like you, I always use Soya Milk. I think it was Vivesoy?

Beejay... enjoy your miocardial infarction on a plate...
Churros y cafe doesn't seem a particularly healthy brekkie. They really popular in Spain?
coffee, oatabix and friut except fo Saturday when I have the full fry up
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Sandy.. the little village I first live in when I arrived in Spain was a bit of an eye opener at breakfast times. Quite often we'd all go and have a cafe con leche before starting work and the locals would be in there eating plates of salad, baguettes, monkey nuts, washed down with beer, red wine and brandy.
It was classy pub grub by the canal with little duckies begging for food. Lot's of families with small babies making me broody.....
nm. ah but you had to get local honey, the stuff in cantabria is puta de madre. plus i usually buy mercadonas leche de soja, its in a green and white bottle.
sandy..churros and hot chocolate. yuk, not my thing, que asco en español
tell you what is nice occasioanally, toasted bagguete with chopped tomatoes and a little garlic, with olive oil of course
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Leche de soja? I always knew it as "bebida de soja".

I've seen leche de arroz and even leche de almendras. I never tried those though.
Stop acting all glam :-)) x

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