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Smelly toilet

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gazzawazza | 09:29 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
For some strange reason our toilet has started to hum like a public lavvy that doesn't get cleaned regularly.
It started on Wednesday last week and since then we've had an intermittent smell of dried wee that just seems to come and go. One minute there's no smell then suddenly... Uuugh!
I've looked everywhere in the bathroom, there's no signs of any leaks and the bathroom itself is very clean, we just can't figure out why this is happening. It's like some ghostly tramp is inviting all his mates round for a pee-party!
Has anyone had this happen to them or any idea what could be causing this?


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Sorry if this is a bit technical Gaz, but does the outlet from the WC pan go into a pipe in the corner that runs up to the ceiling (soil stack)?
Might be the drains? the sinks in the art room get really smelly if its rained and the drains have blocked.
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it's okay Builder, I'm a brickie by trade.
The toilet outlet goes out through the wall then joins the stack outside. I fitted it myself about five years ago when I did the bathroom.
It's all boxed in by panelling because it actually runs along under the end of the bath to the wall. We've had no problems at all but now suddenly we're getting this intermittent smell.
As I said, there's no signs of any leaks but any advice would be gratefully received.
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No it's not the drains Molly, I've flushed the toilet and heard it pass through the manhole on the drive.
I would wash every part of the toilet down in bleach especially those parts on the seat which touch the toilet bowl. Also but not at the same time, get a very good limescale remover and make sure the bowl is completely limescale free as wee tends to get absorbed into it. Maybe somebody is using the loo without flushing it and some foods make urine smell very strong especially if the person is dehydrated.
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Ok Coccinelle, I'll try that even though I know it's very clean. Thanks.
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The only reason I asked Gazz is in case you have a stub stack with an air admittance valve (Durgo). When they stick, the smell comes back into the room.
Bath or basin traps dried up? I guess you use them all the time though.
No liquid leaks ......... but maybe air leaks. (On the top of the soil run, where the water may not be escaping) ............... what about an air test to see if that's the problem?
In our bathroom, the bath U bend 'dries out' as we don't use the bath (we use the shower in our en suite). First time it happened, it stank like a sewer! Now we just open the taps on the bath once a week or so to keep the U bend 'topped up'.
Hi gazzawazza....... Is it the case that you have dismissed mollykins suggestion without having lifted the manhole cover in your drive.? The fact that you hear the sound of water passing through the drain does not mean that there is not an accumulation of deposits in the outlet chamber.

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Yipee!!! I found out what was causing the smell - one of our daughters is a hairdresser and had dumped some used hair products in the little bathroom bin!
Fortunately I've been really busy doing some major projects in the garden before I go back to work, otherwise I would have been ripping panelling off days ago!
Obviously there was some ammonia in there but there must have been some other stuff that had gone bad, when I opened the bin it really stank so I didn't even dare to try and find out what it was! I never even thought to look near the bin, I've been concentrating on the toilet area, thank goodness it was bin day yesterday!
Thanks everyone!

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