Ray, I am very shortsighted (+6 in one eye) so I recognise what you are saying about bottle glass. I also recognise your problems with variofocals - when I first moved on to mine, it took my optician four sets of lenses (and they paid for all but the final ones) before they got the spacing of the different sections of lens right for me. They took into account what I do (work, home computer, daily life) and also the way I hold my head - which is slightly up, not level chin - and now the spec are spot on, I really don't notice the move from one lens area to the next. I do buy good lenses (I ask for Zeiss or similar) and I have polychromatic coating too, so I don't need separate sunglasses - so I pay about £600 per pair - it sounds a lot but I wear them all day, every day, and I have had them 4 years now without need for adjustment, so it is good value for money. I go to a small independent optician, the service is first class, I don't think I would have got the detailed care I had in getting my lenses right if I had gone to a big chain. (I may be wrong and others may say otherwise, of course!)