He he rowanwitch I'm not sure if there's a Where The Sun Never Shines option in that book;-) BTW when I reread that thread later I realised that if I had only taken the time to decipher your very funny but hastily written "suck a lemon" reply I would have understood sooner...! (That was just a parenthesis, sorry Molly, won't hijack your thread.)
I use a spoon to measure out the radox foam bath as I have had many instances where it gushes out of the bottle. Always get a fantastic bath and the bottle lasts longer.
Use a number of things in the bath...tweezers, brow comb. various exfoliating brushes and scrub things ...never a teaspooon...
I suspect it was to lever the plug out...
He said if you have no paper and are constipated you'll have to spoon it out, to which one of the other girls nearly had fits of panic and laughter at the same time!
I sincerley hope he throws out the spoon each time he sees it. Spooning it out wit a metal object, Is that even safe?