going on a date in birmingham this friday night. as it's a first date i can only think of one thing to do (on a first date) and that's go to a pub. Sad i know but it's a place to relax, and it's a public place though i don't want to get scutted or anything. i do know birmingham but can anyone suggest a nice pub to go?
birmingham is lovely now, so many little bars and resturants in the city centre, I am sure you will find somewhere nice. broad street is to be avoided on a friday night though..
villa park a classy resturant where you can eat your meal only a few feet away from doug ellis, villas resturant was the best one in the prem last year. better than a big mac outside the baggies ground ;)
The James Brindley pub, on the canal, right near the centre of the city. The canals are amazing - when I lived there, they said there were more canals in the city that there are in Venice.
Shimla Pinks by Gatecrasher on Broad St used to have a good rep for indian cusine but like Cazzz I don't get out much into town nowadays to see ... used to like Raymond Blanc's restuarant but i'm not sure if it is still there, also off Broad St.
Further out Moseley village does have a "village" atmosphere with lots of busy pubs and studenty, young professional customers