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Plantar fasciitus

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hammerman | 05:05 Wed 11th Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
I've just been diagnosed with the above foot problem by the Dr and was wondering if anyone here has suffered from it and could relay the treatment or the way they have dealt with it..




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the cheapo crocs can be too hard and not supportive and shock absorbent like the genuine article.
Birkenstocks (expensive) but nice, Crocs cheaper, good but not quite as effective as Birkenstocks in my opinion and some of the Birkenstocks are so pretty you can go out to posh places in them.

I have lived in them for years!
I can't get on with Birkies :-(
i´m with woofgang, i´d had a pair of birkenstocks a few years ago, almost crippled me. just hope crocs are better
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WOW....thanks for the replies everyone.

One of the biggest problems is that i'm a gardener and on my feet all day. I also have to wear steel toecap boots and the council's policy is if you're not fit to wear the boots, you're not fit to work !!!!

I've been away camping for the past 5 days and worn nothing but trainers and crocs and my foot was much better. 2 days back in the hobnail boots and im in agony again.

Think i need to sit down with my manager to discuss it.

Again, thanks for all the help.

You could try the gel-filled insoles in your boots. They weren't man enough for my arches but if you have an inflamed plantar they might just do the trick. I think Scholl do some or you could try a medical supply shop.
Good luck.
Crocs make my feet really hot. I am wearing them now. I must just have the exact right feet for Birkenstocks. They are bliss and much cooler than these crocs. I wear crocs to garden in, the reinforced medical ones. I bought some croc wellies last year because normal wellies kill my feet. Unfortunately, although the croc ones were comfy, they leaked!!
If plantar fascilitus is a pain in the back of your heel when you get up, then I had it. I bought a pair of FITFLOPS (in fact now two pairs). I don't have the pain any more. Nor does my kneecap keep 'going out of joint' when I am out walking and I have far less back ache. I can't recommend Fitflops enough and can't wait for their winter boots to come on sale. They are worth every penny and I just can't wear anything else. And No, I don't work for them !!
Hi Scarlett, your problem sounds like mine which is fallen metatarsels(sp). I've been in agony for about 6 years. Initially i had 3 different operations for three different diagnosises on my right foot and eventually they sent me for some orthotics. The orthotics seem to work but i find i can only wear them in loafer type shoes as other shoes seem to 'dig' in around the upper area below the toes. I hate them as i like pretty high heels but they work so i have to just grit my teetch and wear ugly shoes!!!!

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