and I am sure we have all been there once in our lifetime. I had an indian takeout on Saturday night. Finished eating it at about 9pm. By 3am I thought I was giving birth to an adult elephant!
I had extremely painful cramps in the stomach and lower down, diarrhea as bad as it gets.I was sweating profusely, not vomiting but very nauseous. Trying hard not to pass out. This went on for about 40 mins. Went back to bed and fell asleep. All day yesterday, very tired, only tiny amount of the runs. Felt very hungry, ate toast. Today feel tired, stomach making perculiar noises.
My question. If indeed it was the indian food, why did my body not expel it earlier? It took 6 hours to get out of my system. I understood if it was bad food then the body would want to get rid of it straight away. Interested to hear your answers.
it may not have even been the indian.
I had a 24 hour bug like that last week, i was tired for a good 3 days after but no-one else in family was ill at all.
It`s more likely to be a dirty food handler than dodgy chicken. Most food poisoning is spread by infected faeces when a food handler has gone to the loo and not washed their hands (sorry to be disgusting). If that person continues to follow the same hygene habits they will continue to infect people. A word with the Envirnmental Health might not go amiss.
i´m with 237sj, cuz i had a similar prob years ago in nepal, after having the edgars for 3 days, saw a dr, and he said it was bad hygiene, due to unwashed hands after a number 2.
yes by all means see the environment health officer
God the thought of it.
funny tho I went to work yesterday and felt fine then it started again early this morning at 4.30am. Couldn't bear going to work. Times like this, you need your own toilet.