Teetotal and teased in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Teetotal and teased

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evedawn | 12:03 Sun 29th Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
About three months ago I stopped drinking alcohol (totally) Not that I was heavy / daily drinker at all, (always been able to "take it or leave it"). But, I do know that it changes my personality (alot) when I do drink...and so because of that I decided to not touch alcohol again...ever.

Now this is the Q: Why do others (including friends tell me I am being ridiculous, unsociable etc...I do NOT have a problem with others drinking ... and still enjoy a good party / pub crawl etc. I feel quite able to enjoy myself when stone cold sober...but I am getting tired of the comments from others! Anybody found the same?
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PS the ONLY one who doesn't give me a hard time about it is my husband...he loves it cos I can always be designated driver now lol
Well done - you have obviously made the decision that's right for you. However, it may have touched a nerve with some of your friends. If they cant handle your decision, its their problem but i can see why you are getting tired of the comments. Congrats on being your own person and having the courage to do what's best for you! x
evedawn......I cannot understand it either.....why can´t you have a good time without getting p1ssed, rat @rsed or having a skin full.

Many ABers openly admit to getting p1ssed and come on that very evening or at latest first thing in the morning........a sort of badge of honour...a Croix de Guerre.....a "look at me, how about that then......and I feel bloody awful"

Beats me evedawn.

My theory? they have a personality or inferiority disorder that can only be suppressed by taking alcohol
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Yeah silk - my husband also says that maybe "its touched a nerve" with some. BUT ...I don't see why...it's a free world and in my mind i don't care if they do, or don't drink...I couldn't care less...they are my friends, simple as. Thanks for your congrats.
These so called "friends" don't want a sober person watching them make fools out of themselves
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Thanks squad, as always, for your view...I'm posted this today as we are off to a BBQ later and I am already anticipating the "oh go on don't be boring" comments.
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Thing is stitch.. ....I've never commented on whether or not they drink. I don't care if they are sober as a judge, or p****** as a fart. Everyone is entitled to enjoy themselves how they want to. Incidentally most of our friends are in their early forties to early fifties...the age when I'd hoped everyone would be able to respect nothers choices.
evedawn - this says more about your 'friends' than it does about you....
I agree, you don't have to drink to have a good time.It is the company that is important.
I have been tee total for years and over the years I have had people get almost argumentative because I wont drink alcohol to make them feel better, my only assumption is that me joining in and drinking would make them feel more comfortable and relaxed about their own drinking.

take no notice, you dont need to have a skinful to have a good evening, besides alcohol is very ageing.
I enjoy the occasional glass of wine but OH is teetotal. He used to drink but 15 years ago had acute pancreatitis. The consultant said he shouldn't touch alcohol as it could inflame a previously inflamed pancreas even though it was possibly a passing gallstone that had been the culprit.
He has never had a glass since, just the odd sip of mine for special celebrations. He is never 'pushed' to have anything other than soft drinks. I reckon that people respect the medical reasons or we just have super friends!
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Yes Cazz - some people can be almost argumentative. I've even had wine bought for me when I had specificaly said cola!! (I didn't drink the wine!!). Irritating. Yoga your husbands is a genuine medical reason but I reckon if I made up a medical excuse I'd get left alone...but why should I? Ta for your input cupid.

Anyway - I'll be off to that BBQ now
Cos they're idiots, good luck with it, be yourself and smile
sounds like you need new friends. I was at a BBQ yesterday with someone who didn't drink and nobody was in the least bothered. I can't imagine being with people who'd call me boring if I didn't drink. Eat and drink what you feel like. You don't have to justify yourself to idiots.
You can still have a great time without drinking alcohol. I have a number of times when Ive been on antibotics or for some other reason (like dieting) but not told anyone why Im not drinking and no one seemed bothered. I think its a shame that people react like that. I think you are right that they think you may be watching them get p.....ssed and making a fool of themselves. Keep up the good work. Me and OH only drink at weekends and only if Im not a work next day.
If they cannot go out and have a night with Evedawn rather than a drunk evedawn then they dont know the real you and arent worth having as mates. I know if I wasnt drinking for the night my mates would still want me there as I can still have a good time without and they like it when I'm with them. Even my pregnant mates that cant drink I invite out, yer 9 times out of 10 they dont come out anyway but I wouldnt want them feeling left out of girly night just because they are in the pudding club. Maybe suggest a night not drinking but getting togather and having a meal or something. But if it carries on I'd think about who your friends are. xxxx
I've gone to alot of parties where I've been sober and its hillarious watching drunk people, and my god dont they get loud. I was at one party speaking to a girl when someone she didnt like walked in and she turned to me and said 'if she looks at me one more time I'm gonna have her' I dont think she knew just how loud she was saying i. lol
One of my closest friends I have never seen drunk, she has a phobia of being sick so she doesnt drink. She used to always come out with us when she lived round this way. Although it would be funny just to see her drunk once :-)
Well done evedawn, I can take drink or leave it and I don't care what anyone says about me refusing a drink. I still like to party and I don't mind being the odd one out. I don't drive, but I bet you are popular when it's time to go home.
couple of times recently stressed out of my brain with problems at work and home had too much for me...(not a lot by the standards of some on here) my normal intake is probably only 2-3 units a month..but my rule is less of the best I can afford... so more likely to have and savour a glass of decent wine than do a bottle of something for a fiver in the supermarket... mostly prefer diet coke or fruit juice ... my friends are the same...so its never been a problem

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