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my world trip blog

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lumination | 16:06 Tue 02nd Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
hey guys, thought to post in travel but its more of a chat thing really.
as im leaving to travel for 6 months on the 10th, i made a travel blog on facebook. if anyone is even interested lol! here is the link:


ill try to post when i can...if cambodia has the internet???? x


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Have a great journey.
Hong Kong
Las Vegas
All I can say is wow! How long will you be staying in each country, how many of you traveling and will you be back packing? Either enjoy and keep safe, its going to be a great tale to tell your kids someday.
Question Author
im backpacking on my own over 6 months. asia will be just over 3 months, Oz will be just over a month and a couple of weeks in fiji, a week in hawaii and 2 weeks in La and Las Vegas.
one of my friends said you have to like it first to be able to read my posts and that, is that right? didnt know so if you have to like it first, sorry!
wow, im so jealous, i'll bookmark your page, and keep tabs of you so to speak.

Hope the trip goes well, did i say I was jealous? Have a fantastic time :-)
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haha i did Doc! its ok i know some people wont be. thanks Boo! and i think you did say something about being jealous hahahaha
I've bookmarked it and will be following your adventures. Do take care xx
Me too BOO. I could just do with a 6 month break at the moment!
I've liked it as well....
doc's a bloody misery eh? LOL

It'll be the trip of a lifetime.

Are you worried about travelling on your own at all? I know I'd actually prefer it personally, but not everyone's as weird as me ;-)

Err, not that im saying you're weird!

Im so jealous!
Question Author
lol i am on my own yes. i think i will like it better. only thing is i booked it last year then meet my boyfriend in jan! bad timing! and i dont want to leave him :(
I'm not on FB but hope you have a marvellous time........this wasn't done when I was young and I'm very jealous!!
Oh pfft, he'll be reet.

Glad to see you aren't putting this off for some bloke!

He'll still be there when you come home, and if not, well, there's always others.
Question Author
yeah he will be here. if he isnt ill hunt him down. lol
sigh, that does sound nice. Have a good time
I was just going to aks why your boyfriend wasn't joining you...
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ah thanks vibes! let me know what black ops is like and stuff!
and Mazie he has a business going here and doesnt have the money to come out.
have a wonderfull journey lumination, enjoy every aspect of it
ah, don't worry, there are boys in Australia if you need one.

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