bald rabbit in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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bald rabbit

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lalalaland | 19:28 Tue 01st Mar 2005 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers

my netherland dwarf rabbit is going bald at the base of his ear. he scratches it so that there is no hair left and the patch is getting slowly bigger. ther are scaly bits like dandruff there now also altho he was treated for mites last week he still seems to be itching it.the vet gave me a hibiscrub solution to put on the bald bit every other day to help the itching but it hasn't done much. he also took some of the dandruff and checked for mites under a microscope but didn't see any altho this was 2 days after he had the mite treatment.

can anyone help please!!!

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It might be worth getting the rabbit checked for Ringworm. It's a fungal infection that can have that dandruff like appearance & can spread from a small patch.

I was advised to mix a spoon of cod liver oil in with his food when my rabbit suffered with this, my cat also had to have oil mixed with his food.  It nourishes their coat if they tend to be dry.  Keep pestering your vet!

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thanks, I have looked up ringworm and this seems to be it I'm calling the vet 2moro. Just worried now koz I've read that I can catch it off him!

Ringworm is a bit of a b****r. I've had it here & it spreads very easily because there are so many animals here, but even here I managed to get rid of it with careful cleaning & drugs.

Some animals seem to be immune to it,the animals that pick it up are often the very young or elderly, or anything with a compromised immunity. It can be transmitted to humans but it is quite easy to get rid of...just takes a while. I caught it the first time it was brought into the rescue & now I never get it so maybe I'm immune now. It isn't the end of the world at all, and it should not hurt your rabbit or yourself in the longterm.

The treatment for say a cat, is antifungal drugs, possibly shaving & bathing in an antifungal shampoo. Do not stop the treatment early, as the spores take a while to completely go. Let me know what happens, good luck! 

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