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Ok,(and vibra, please this is serious and it's about my girl, so no jokes). I am seriously worried about her.
To be brief: history of eczema (initially seasonal) and IBS since her mid-teens. This has developed gradually into a very severe chronic all year round eczema and progressively worsening and lengthening list of food allergies - to lactose and dairy mostly. Also dyes, cosmetics... She is in a state.
She is seeing a Professor of Immunology on Wednesday privately, because the NHS & her GPs continue to let her down & have been pretty damn useless. Her immune system seems to be going haywire. She reacts to loads of things now - she now has to carry an Epipen and at the xmas party at the weekend she reacted to some food and her throat started closing up & swelling, despite avoiding everything she has been advised to.
She has diarrhoea almost all the time.
Something serious is going on, it's getting worse, and I am at a loss to know what to do to help her. She will become depressed soon, if she's not already.
She is now worrying that due to a bout of worms that went unreported in her late teens, her intestines are being eaten away from the inside. It sounds funny, silly, but I said I would find out for her what I can. She is desperate to get some treatment for what is becoming, I think, a serious immunological and allergy problem.