Having OCD is dreadful.
It is based on overwhelming anxiety which for some reason has attached itself to mundane , everyday tasks.
Continuing to wipe up, clean up etc , although an attempt to reduce the anxiety, also increases it. Trying to stop cleaning etc also increases the anxiety.
challenging him will make him worse and letting him have his own way will make him worse.
If he has OCD.
If he has got this dreadful condition and you wish to continue your relationship with him, you have to accept that you cannot modify his behaviour. You can try to reduce his anxiety in any way that you think possible, but mainly you should encourage him to go to his GP for treatment.
If he hasn't got OCD, and is controlling,if you challenge him he will get worse and if you give in to him he will get worse.
Sorry to be so pessimistic, but that's how I see it.
My honest opinion is that he is controlling and you should bin him...but what do I know?