I like this site, because you can discuss things that might be awkward to speak to friends and family about. Therefore, I am 100% genuine in all my questions and answers. To me, although you all seem like great people, you are, total strangers and therefore one can type things that you would never dream of bringing up down the pub (yesterday I was talking about anti-wrinkle creams, last week fake tan for men haha).
But, do you think that this site gives people the chance to lie and fantasise a fair bit?
Also, do any ABers actually know anybody in the outside world or have you ever met??
hi jd, the only aber i can vouch ? for who does not lie or give out false info about is myself......................there are nice abers on site, and thankfully a few with a great sense of humour. but like the real life i find some abers not nice. i hope you enjoy your experience in ab
I with you would Ankou (say more about it, that is)!
Yes, people can be anything they like on here but if you are a liar in life you have to have a damn good memory as you will always be caught out.
I might be a little more outgoing on here than I am in real life as I'm very shy and quiet but other than that I think my AB persona is a fairly close representation of the real me.
I've only met one ABer a few times, though they don't use the site any more we have remained close friends.
there's a few I'm friends with on facebook but that's from the first time I regularly came on here, about 3 or 4 years ago, only a few still hanging round by the look of it!
I have met one person who has become a very good friend, helped by the fact we don't live too far apart.
There are others I would like to meet, but we live a long way apart. Generally though I prefer the cyber contact. You can be who you like on here. But I can assure you I am me and what I say on here is truthful.
I know one ABer, in the real world.
But we met each other many years ago, (and haven't seen each other for a long time) and only chance comments on here led us to realise who we were speaking to.
There are some very nice people on here and then there are some obnoxious ones too.
Recently I asked a similar question to yours and it was totally misinterpreted or perhaps misunderstood; the majority jumped on the bandwagon with the same response, which is not what I had asked, accusing the question of being a popularity contest.