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thebarron | 15:29 Sat 29th Jan 2011 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
Vascalpha 10 mg
Simvestatin 40 mg
Lisinopril 10 mg
What would happen if i stopped taking these pills


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Simvastatin is for cholesterol, it's controlling the levels of "bad" cholesterol in your blood. Your levels may go up if you stop taking them altogether. 40mg is a standard dose of this particular brand, it's what I was on.
Initially.......not a lot.
Few weeks time.....symptoms of blood pressure.
Years may be dead...........same as anyone else.

Have I missed the point?
Vascalpha is for high blood pressure http://www.netdoctor....icines/100005002.html
risky IMO if you stop taking it suddenly, without medical supervision
^^Cheers sqad, you weren't there when I posted
boxtops....YOU are always in my mind ;-)
Why are you asking, thebarron? Sounds like you have a selection of drugs for hihg blood pressure and related vascular problems, why would you stop taking 'em?
Call the undertaker Monday morning to order the box. They do a nice range of wool ones now.
Question Author
Thanks so i will be alright till monday.
the barron.....LOL........unless you get hit by a bus.
Have you run out? The out of hours chemist might be able to help with a couple of emergency tablets until you can get your prescription?
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Why can't you breast feed on these pills.
are you breast feeding barron ? have you changed gender from what your profile says ?
You could if you were a woman.......but it would not be advisable as all 3 drugs are secreted in the mother;s milk and would adversely affect the baby.

Question Author
Just reading the link boxtops put on.
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I like breast feeding lol
the too!!
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Also been put naseptin for my nose bleeds. Will i have to stay on these pills for the rest of life.
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Thanks Sqad. When i asked my so called doctor all he said was, we will see.

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