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DEN53 | 13:58 Fri 11th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
82 Answers
I contacted a firm of solicitors regarding my Mum's injuries, but they say to pursue a private injury claim, would be very costly and I would'nt even break even in getting claiming my costs back.

Its never been about making money out of a claim, but I cannot afford the costly fees.

Anyway, I am writing to the company that owns the Care Home enclosing photos, which the solicitors suggested. My social worker said the case has been passed to another Department, to date I have not heard from them.

According to the solicitors, the company that own the Care Home, have had many complaints against them at their Homes across the country, so adverse publiciity is not what they want.

Anyway, watch this space.


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did you ever contact the police about it? not sure if that may be a way to go.
It must seem like youre fighting against paperwork and yet all you want is justice for your poor mum :(
Good for you in pursuing it Den, keep us informed.
Good Luck with all this Den, I feel it will be a long road you'll be going down, also the stress factor for you could be too much. But I do admire you, it seems you're not going to let go. Hold tight there girl.

Something similar happened to my great aunt before she died DEN. After her death we were given the few belongings she had left along with her bank passbook (account had been emptied) and a few photos. In one of the photos my aunt had a huge black eye and visible bruises around both wrists, forearms and upper arms. I took the photos to the police and they investigated. One of the care home staff was then eventually prosecuted for assault and theft.
Hi Dens, I know how difficult this must be for you as I've had similar experiences with my late Aunty.

Anyhow just an idea, how about contacting the newspapers but contact one of the reporters directly instead of the newspaper itself, telling them your story and that you have pictures to back-up your claims. You know how some of these reporters are just hungry for a good, juicy and especially factual story.
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I haven't been to the Police, Red - a few people have suggested it - but to be honest, what are they going to do. We don't know who inflicted the injuries, my Mum can't point them out, because she has Dementia.
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Society - the solicitors also suggested this, but I can't name the Home in the paper and publishing the photos, surely it would'nt be legal.

Jem - a few of my friends have said the same as you, and tried to steer me away from pursing it, as they know what the stress has done to me already. I just can't let it rest.
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hi i haven't read any of your previous posts on this matter so don't kniow the details. Do you know when it happened? Does the manager of the care home know about it? did they give you any explanation that her injuries could be attributed to? Have you tried the quality care comission (the body who inspect care homes)
ps i also think the police are the way to go. If you don't think the police will be able to help, then how do you expect a private prosecution to - you still wont know who did it?
Write giving details of your concerns to the care quality commission
found this on the quality care comissions website: Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA): This is an independent charity which provides free specialist advice concerning NHS or private healthcare complaints where it is suspected that harm has been caused or there is a threat to patient safety.

Trained medico-legal advisers can offer guidance on rights to different kinds of investigations, processes such as inquests, legal action and health professionals' fitness to practise procedures as well as explain medical or legal jargon.

Where necessary, AvMA can make referrals to specialist lawyers or other sources of support. You can contact their helpline from Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm, on 0845 123 2352.
I think you should still give it a try, they (the media) might figure a way around to have your story exposed.
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Thanks everyone - I have a few calls to make now.
Rowan. I have had dealings with the ccq over a similar problem. They never even got back to me. I have only just finished reading through their website. They don't actually carry any clout at all.

It seems that is is really difficult to raise complaints about care homes, having read this
and other information.


As you know DEN, I have been in a similar situation. Quite honestly I don't think Red's idea about contacting the police is a bad one. You have photos to prove the injuries and surely they will have to make investagations.

I admire you for carrying on your battle with this. It's such a shame that so many old folk don't have relatives like you or I that battle for them. I get so upset.

Take Care Den xxx
Of course, there is always the Press!!!
All those replies came on whilst I was composing mine. Sorry if I have just repeated what others have said. It seems we all think alike!!
also you could try the patients association - they are the ones that uncovered about staffordshire hospital
That organisation you posted about at 13.17, Bednobs, really looks quite good.
But once you have been through the cqc route you can then ask for your local inspectorate team to investigate,,,,this will be a small sub department at the local council and they are responsible for registering care homes, my ex husband used to do work for them now and his borough pity Den comes from Hornchurch not enfield

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