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Astonvanilla | 21:18 Tue 01st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
105 Answers
Have you ever been lonely, talked to a lady today who has been living alone for several years has friends who call and goes to church to keep in touch with people, lost her husband many years ago but still feels lonely, I suppose if you lose someone special you will always feel alone. I felt special as I have lots of family and friends around.


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Does she have pets?
I've never felt lonely...

I know my Grandad gets lonely since my Nan went into a home. He gets lot's of visitors as well.
People who live alone aren't always lonely though. I could certainly live alone and not feel lonely and don't feel the need to go out very often to meet people. I don't live alone though I have an OH!!

Loneliness can depend on the character of the person rather than their situation I suppose.

No, I have never felt lonely. I am an only child too!
This is why I still live with my Dad. BF and I have been together and while and want our own place but I'm so worried about how lonely my Dad will get on his own.
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Hi tiggerblue she used have dogs which where her and husbands pride and joy but now not able to look after.
I've lived on my own since 1996 apart from 2001 where I lived with my ex, however, I have never felt lonely. I've always had cats and now a baby.
If anything were to happen to Mr LL I would not dream of living with anyone else!
Mrs MM and I have each other. No other family on either side. I think loneliness is a state of mind. You can be with a crowd of people and still be lonely.
Thats a shame. A friend of mine is in the same situation. She is only 42 but moans about never meeting blokes. She has never had a boyfriend.
Micmac, don't forget I've adopted you and Lady Micmac. :-)
Mikmak is right in that loneliness is a state of mind and not directly linked to how many people you have around you, but this lady obviously feels a great void left by her husband, which although she's lonely she's also lucky in a slanted sort of way because they must have had a hell of a relationship which some people never get to have.
Does she have any offspring Aston?
Ever since I was born I had never been alone and always busy looking after and being looked after. I led a full and happy life. All right there were times when horrible things happened but through it there was always someone there. My children grew up and moved away, my brother moved to Wales and my sister to Spain. My other siblings and in-laws died and then eventually in 2009 my husband died. I am completely alone for the first time in my life. My remaining family keep in touch by phone and email and neighbours are about during the day. But evenings and nighttime I am lonely. That is the reason I come up here into my computer room and browse through the threads to see if I can join them. I really hope that none of you will ever experience the complete desolation that loneliness can bring.
Hello society. No I've not forgotten. Remember you promised not to put me or Mrs MM in a home. :-)
Awww starbuckone, that's really sad :-(
Oh Starbuck, it makes me so sad reading that. Apart from the part about being widowed, that's the same as my Dad's siutation and I desperately want to avoid him feeling like that if I can.
Star, I truly feel for you. ♥
Sorry everyone, I shouldn't have joined this thread. Now I am feeling sorry for myself and have upset others with my whingeing. I have had a comparitively good life and I ought to feel grateful for that. There are a great many more worse off than me I know.
Star I am in a similar situation to you, AB is a godsend, but sometimes it can envelop you(the loneliness) My family have lives to lead and we see each other as often as we can.
Have lots of hobbies and luckily like my own company, but still can be hard.
Evening all.

Starbo, so sorry to hear about that. :o(

There's usually somebody around on AB right up until the small hours ... I think that's a good thing for lonely folk. :o)

I've always had a job with lots of peeps around me, always busy during the day, yet when I lived on my own, I felt lonely at home. That's going back quite a few years though.

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