Is it just me that feels extremely awkward when a father takes his (8yrs old approx) daughter swimming and they use the male changing room.
You can see all the blokes feeling very self conscious and careful not to accidentally expose anything, whilst at the same time not wanting to inadvertently look in the direction of the young girl, oh its just really awkard!
But the gym rules allow this up to age 9.
But, our gym doesnt provide a family change room or even a little privacy cubicle.
What do you lot think. Do you have daughters that age, would you allow them to be naked at age 9 in a male changing room and able to see grown men getting changed?
I don't suppose he really has a choice but it would be a bit weird. I'm surprised they are allowed to do that but it's not like the Dad can go into the ladies changing room with his daugher. To be honest, I would probably tell her to go in the ladies on her own and I would meet her outside.
she should be going in the ladies and dressing herself, I would imagine she feels self conscious herself getting dressed in a male changing room, how awful for her!
No family room that I can see.
I didnt want to be one of them people that makes a fuss, the rules are obviously in accordance with legislation. The womens changing rooms have cubicles but hthe male's do not.
I did get it eventually jd, sorry. Yes, id feel akward if i were you, I wouldn't be happy wandering around with the last chicken in the shop look thing going on if i knew there was a child about.
Most pools here now have changing villages..all individual cubicles both male/female in a central location...can't imagine this issue has not already arisen at this venue... most unhealthy !!
I used to have swimming lessons every week at the age of 8 and occasionally dad took me. He was perfectly happy to wait outside changing room and I was perfectly happy to get changed with my friends from swimming class.