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Thankyou all for your comments,intersting to see other sides to this.
nungate, in answer to your question, my husband and i got married early last year so have been married nearly 2 years. I wouldnt say we were in a particular rush to start a family but knew very early on we both wanted children so why not start one as soon we we could - we had no reason not to start trying, plus being over 30 now meant time wasnt on my side as maybe it would have been 10 years ago.
bednobs, firstly so very sorry for both of your losses. I do agree with you, i do kind of find the question rather personal, like you say you wouldnt ask someone about their sex life etc unfortunatly it doesnt stop people asking.
I too have had the 'everything happens for a reason' and 'relax, it will happen' comments too many times as well...
My other thought was we all openly discuss people who have died dont we - ie old relatives that pass away so why not openly speak about pregnancy loss too?