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Is there such a thing as true love?

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Joanne130 | 11:28 Mon 30th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Or is love just a warmth & affection that can be felt with anyone if you get on & the circumstances are right


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Yes. I truly love quite a few people. Some I'm just very fond of.
Yes of course there is, I also imagine that it can mean many different things for different people.
The deepest love is the same thing that keeps each of our bodies' one trillion cells toghter.

The deepest lovers are in love at the celluar level. Their cells feel the same sense of attraction to the other person as they do among themselves. Those of us who have ever experienced this feeling will recognise what I am describing.

I have had the great fortune of spening most of my life with someone who I feel this way about.
what beso said.
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Beso that's lovely, i believe in true love too
My wife and I came to this conclusion after much consideration. Many times in our lives the physical experience of being close together has been very powerful. We have often discussed it and best describe it in terms of vibrations and electric shocks.

We have even sensed the feeling at distances of many thousands of kilometres as kind of paralysis caused by the severe imbalance between presence and attraction of the other person.

I have been so fortunate to be so deeply connected to a person so incredibly worthy of such a deep respect. This respect has allowed us to explore and develop our union to a level that provides us with a wonderfully estatic sense of fulfilment and meaning in our lives.

And it truely does feel like as something that illuminates our whole being.
We phone each other at the same time. Does that count...? :-)
beso..... beautifully written and portrayed, but i am afraid that i don't understand or have experienced any part of it.

This "cellular level" that you talk about........what other levels in the human body are in existence.

My feelings or thoughts do not matter, just soak up those emotions at whatever level is going.
You have emotions, Sqad? ;-)
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i get a very warm, content feeling when i'm with my beau
Yes.... for me its knowing that no matter how long we have I want to make a special someone happy ... where the joy comes in what you can do for them not just what they do for you... when you can stand on a balcony overlooking a city and say I love my life because they are such a big part of it...
Oh! dear .....I knew this would bring out the old romantics.
Cynic!!! Ok love is when you sit and watch the liverpool match when Chelsea are playing.... is that better....

Or when you wear stockings and susspenders even though they are bl00dy uncomfortable
My girlfriend asked me, "Do You believe in love at first sight"?
I said, "At the first sight of what"? :-) you are getting onto my wavelength ;-)
Love happens at many levels. Intellectual, emotional, social etc but these things are at the higher orfer of the being. The feeling we get are like every piece of our whole bodies wants to bond at the cellular level like we are part of each other.

Have you every wondered at what level a cell has some kind of conscious existence and how it feels about the cells it is intimate involved with? Surely they feel some sense of being in this all together.

Some would thing that there is no conscious at the level of a cell but consider this. A single cellular organism is quite capable of pursuing its prey, fleeing from danger, conjugating and reproducing. Is this not evidence of some form of consciousness yet without a single synapse involved
I think thats just chemistry ....

In my experience (limited) the ones that make such a big deal of emotions associated with relationships are the ones that end up with the "crapiest" relationships.

The successful ones are the "low key" relationships, often devoid of "flowery" description. have lost me........but I like your posts.

rowan is correct at the unicellular level that you describe, chemistry at the basic level is the dominating factor.

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Is there such a thing as true love?

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