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mrsmaveric | 14:50 Sat 11th May 2013 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
bored,bored, soooo bored...


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Oh dear. Can we help at all?
are you bored mrs m. its quiet here, :)
My dad used to say that only boring people get bored. Not a pop at you, just something I remember him saying and want to share
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That was quick.
well I cant stop coughing !!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you by yourself, Mrs M? No one to talk to?
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well im certainly not boring always lol..ive been shopping,taken the dog out been to my friends and now im back home..stokemaveric has gone to im all alone...are you ok desktop?x
I wonder if he's having any luck. Why didn't you go?
mr. m at ascot. I hope he dosnt leave his shirt there,
Where did you shop mrs m? I'm homesick. Hanley, Newcastle, Freeport?
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hi psybbo i was going to but ive had a horrible cold all week and i really didnt fancy it anne he probably will...
I think there may be a football match on the telly it might give you something to shout at.
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hi tilly i went up anley you missing the old place then?
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No wonder you're bored, I had that cold last weekend so you have my sympathy x
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hi baza im going to pur myself a glass of wine and settle down to watch it later ive had a tenner on man city to win 3-0
me answer vanished!

Mrs M, play I spy, spot Stokie at Ascot :-)
Very much so, mrs m. I will come home, one day.
Question Author
hope you are ok desky x..thanks psybbo im just getting over it now but it leaves you so drained doesnt it?x

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