Nice to meet you anyone1. My mum used to go berserk with us if we used the dreaded 'b' word. Her reply was inevitably 'There'll be plenty of time to be bored when you're dead!'
Others have pointed out your strengths and where to start. I could add, go for walks, see people. Sit on a bench and 'people-listen'.
I'm a bit restricted at the moment with a broken bone and spent the first few days feeling a bit frustrated and bored with resting. Then I clicked into gear and decided to write my Christmas story, I do it most years for family and friends. That got me going into writing acrostics for the local children who are meeting tomorrow to turn out a display on Autumn and Harvest, we've also visited a local museum, which turned out to be fascinating.
Some of the world will come to you through your keyboard, but my lifetime experience is that you need to go outside to meet it.
We're all here to chat to anyway. :)