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teacake44 | 13:55 Fri 20th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
On last nights news it appears that Burger king and Mcdonlds have agreed to stop giving away plastic toys to try and help reduce plastic waste. World wide this runs into tons and tons of plastic waste, now love them or hate them, to get two massive companies like this to make a start as got to be good news, however I couldn't believe the interviewer when he asked if this was enough when interviewing a director of one of the companies.


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I never liked the taste of the plastic toys anyway...
I preferred to eat the styro cartons than the junk inside them.
But MacDonald's, I'm not sure about Burger King, still use a lot of plastic anyway. The lids on their drinks are plastic and there's a big 'bubble' of plastic on top of the drinks with a mound of cream on the top!
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15.03 Yes your right lids+, my point is they've made a start apposed to doing nothing at all. And I find the food crap, but that's got nothing to do with this move, on their part. Plus their looking into other areas.
If they really cared they'd stop selling burgers.
They made a start earlier on though didn't they tc by getting rid of plastic straws ? I used to like their food, especially the filet o fish, but I've gone veggie now !
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Well ,if any motor company cared, they'd stop selling cars??
If you take the toy (or any other freebie toy) into Burger King you get a free kids’ meal.
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15.11 Straws yep, but this is a much bigger move, they did say how many tons, but can't remember, but a hell of a lot world wide, their turnover runs into billions.
It's a start to be applauded and other changes are coming too.

//As well as offering alternatives to plastic toys, McDonald’s has instigated other changes to reduce their impact on the environment.

This includes the roll-out of paper straws in restaurants, the removal of McFlurry plastic lids and the removal of single-use plastic from salads.//

Our large drive-in Mac was a Texaco filling station.MacDonalds got planning permission to convert against much local protest. The local council stipulated that MacDonalds must ensure no rubbish within about a 1/4 mile radius with disused boxes/containers so they employed a man for 6 months patrolling that periphery. That was about 20 years ago and our streets are awash with rubbish discarded by our yoofs. MacDonalds is literally a dirty word around here.
Its a shame so many people cat be bothered to walk to the nearest bin to dispose of their cartons etc
Good point, teacake.
Plastic straws were recyclable, not so the paper ones.
^ Tell me about it, there is a Mac's round the corner from where I live and by the time the kids who have bought drinks or milkshakes to take out reach my road, they've finished them and they just drop the empty containers and walk off !!
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In all fairness Retro that's not Mcdonalds fault, just scruffy people, you could say the same for Greggs.
^ that was to Crapat ..
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15.18 paper will rot.
Bah too late again !
One might struggle to lay the blame for a lack of proper parenting with regard to littering in the formative years at the door of McDonalds.
//Well ,if any motor company cared, they'd stop selling cars??//

You can go far in a motor car
The only place I need to go after eating their junk is a toilet bowl. :-(

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