Religious Door Knockers in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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Religious Door Knockers

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nailit | 18:53 Tue 17th Dec 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
33 Answers
Since living in a high rise block of flats (with video intercom) I no longer get the religious door knockers, (Mostly J.W's, the odd Mormon and the occasional Evangelical Christian).

I sometimes miss the opportunity for an impromptu chance discussion on things religious.
Over the years Ive had many a discussion with believers of different persuasions and for the most part it has been friendly and we have parted with ''we agree to disagree''.
No slamming doors in faces, no abuse from either side, just an exchange of thoughts.
Ive had the occasions where these encounters have resulted in the 'door knockers' spending weeks visiting my home and all has been friendly, discussing theology over tea and biscuits!!
(Ive no doubt that if Theland 'door knocked' me that we would spend months discussing stuff over Special Brew's and Kebabs :-) )

1) I really don't get why people get so annoyed at religious folk knocking on their door?
Just say no thanks and thats the end of it.

2) I really don't get why discussing the same stuff on the internet is so different?
Why are we so much less accommodating to hearing what the other has to say and so much more forthcoming with the insults?

And that ^^goes for me as well...

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If AB had a psychology/philosophy section, this question would go in there...but it hasn't!
My word Nailit, how misleading.
When I first saw this post, I thought you had been to the shops and bought yourself a big brass door knocker with a religious theme.
My mind was boggled :-)
i have a security door system, they rarely get in thank goodness, we have had them knock at the gate on the balcony, where someone had let them into the building
I politely tell them i am not religious, and they generally go away with that.
I recently had some jehovah's witnesses knocking, and I told them I wasn't interested, politely.
Her reply was "do you wonder why we keep knocking when nobody is interested?"
And I said "rudeness?"
Any attempt of bullying is not acceptable. They still tried, and they still tried to ignore my reply.
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//I thought you had been to the shops and bought yourself a big brass door knocker with a religious theme.//
Yes, I can see how I may have mis-worded it now Theland.
The Virgin Mary's chest area comes to mind!
Btw, I don't ever attempt to be insulting here- I ask genuine questions. The difference is, that I can do it at my convenience and not as I am trying to go out to work x
Pixie - You are very interesting, and one of the most courteous ABers on here.
I thoroughly enjoy discussions with you.
I appreciate that- thank you x
A good while ago I used to chat with the Jehovas. Nowadays I tend to say 'Roman Catholic' which tends to make them leave. (It's a fib and I feel quite bad about it, but I really don't have the time.)

Like Nailit, I find them nice, interesting people and no threat. When I knock on a door it is usually to sell a raffle ticket!
If doorsteppers of any type get through security I am never rude or insulting, quite easy to say no thank you.
But if you went into "Ye Olde Door Knocker Shoppe,"
and asked for a religious themed door knocker, what would you ask for?
There’s no need to lie about being catholic or any other religion, why would you? Just say no thank you and close the door.
I simply tell them that anyone who is stupid enough to believe in any form of god deserves to be put to death. That usually shuts them up.
that;s a bit harsh, but made me laugh
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Chris has never been known to be a shrinking violet....
In the five different locations I have lived, I have had only one visit from any religious group, Jehovah's Witnesses, who arrived at the door of my flat just as I was stepping out of it to go to work.

"We won't keep you a minute …" said the lady.

"You got that right …" was my reply over my shoulder as I walked down the stairs.

I regard door-knocking as an example of the fundamental issue I have with Christians of any colour - the "I've got something, you need it, and it's my job to make sure you get it …" approach, which I find patronising in the extreme.

I would never be rude to someone who came to my door, but neither would I entertain them for longer than the time it takes to say goodbye politely, and shut the door.
Can't argue with that Andy.
I used to invite the JWs in for tea cake and debating. They would rustle up the bible quotes and I would point out different interpretations of said chapter, verse etc. After 40 years and several regulars who’ve passed on they appear to have given up on me. Haven’t seen the Mormon’s for years.
In answer to your original questions, I find it interesting to discuss such matters with others.
One of our most interesting visits was fro Mormons, an American, and a German.
The German guy was in a band called, "One," and left us a c.d. of his band. He was a great guitarist, and used to play on my sons guitar, until his American friend tapped his watch and they had to scarper to keep to their bedtime. Interesting.
One of our local pubs has, (had?), philosophy discussion evenings every Wednesday.
I never attended, but would have liked to listen in.
Everything considered, just what makes you tick.

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