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Genius 253 Last One - Parsing Help Please

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JJ109 | 15:53 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

14a I begrudge Henry wanting to kill coot (5) H?T?R

It looks like "hater" but I cannot parse it

There is also a misprint of one letter in the clue. In this instance the"C" in coot is the misprint which should be another letter. 

Many thanks



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After = wanting, kill the FT, foot... so Ater, with H, Henry first.
16:15 Mon 01st Jul 2024
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It is getting late here and I am going to turn in!

Thanks for any help and I shall catch you in the morning!

After = wanting, kill the FT, foot... so Ater, with H, Henry first.

Wow, I'd given up on trying to solve it, thinking something was wrong. Well done Neveracrossword

THanks, NMA - though I was coming back anyway, to correct my original post. It is, of course, the F, foot, that comes out of After!

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Very many thanks NAC!

Can anyone help me with 1a? I have ?e?s?d. Is it teased? Thanks in advance.




Loki, yes the Teas comes from the Chas, sneaky capital, in the clue. The Ed is Dave vacated, emptied and reversed (on return)

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Yes! cha s = Teas+ D(av)e (reversed) = teased= bantered (the C was the misprint)

Gee! Thanks all.

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Genius 253 Last One - Parsing Help Please

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