There is an NHS Complaints Procedure that you must follow when you submit a complaint to the hospital. Submit complaint in writing to the chief exec of the hospital.Hosp should acknowledge your complaint within three working days.
Complaint is investigated by hospital Complaints manager, results of investigation are feed back to you within 20 days.
If you are dissatisfied with the feedback following your complaint, you have right to request a meeting with hospital trust to address your outstanding issues face to face with consultants/ complaints Manager ect.
Minutes of meeting may be recorded and you recieve a copy of these along with final response from the hospital.This marks the end of stage one local resouloution of the NHS comp procedure.
From the date of the final response letter from the hospital you have 3 months to take case to Health Care Commission, who investigate your complaint independently.This is stage two.
This procedure is governed by time limits,be mindful of this.
PALS (Patient Advice Liasion Service) are only a sign-posting service.Remember PALS ARE NOT INDEPENDENT.
Find youself an Advocacy Service (most citizen advice bureau have advocaes who take forward NHS complaints ).
ICAS (Independent Complaints Advocacy Service) specifically take forward NHS complaints for clients. This is free service.
Try this link for more info on ICAS y/ComplaintsPolicy/NHSComplaintsProcedure/NHSComplaintsP rocedureArticle/fs/en?CONTENT_ID=4087428&chk=WoVmT />
get on to your g.p. and apply some pressure here to make an urgent referral for your granddaughter.
Hope this all helps ...