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Oh Fell. It Seems To Have Triggered Something.

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jourdain2 | 22:11 Sat 02nd Nov 2024 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

It was not a big fall.  Yesterday, small dog stopped to sniff the low wall by the local pub and OH tripped over him, lost balance, banged his head on the last high bit of wall, lacerated his fingertips, hit his chest on low wall and then banged l. knee hard on pavement.

He's on blood-thinners.

I came home from writing group & shopping  (1.20 p.m.) to blood all over the front door, throughout the ground floor and especially in the kitchen where he'd tried to patch his fingers up.  OK, I cleared up. Then it came out that he'd forgotten about his appt. with the nurse to have a leg dressing changed at 11.20 a.m..  I sorted it out, got him there later on that day - but they are worried and muttering things like 'failing'.

Tbh. he is scarcely compos-mentis a lot of the time and doesn't seem to know what is going on. He's sleeping a lot (good) but hasn't a clue about day or time.

He's 91.  Is this a normal sort of reaction to a fall, please?

He does seem marginally better tonight.  It's rather alarming.

Thanks forany input.  I realise that I can't tell you all everything.





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Jourdain, I would take him to hospital just to get checked over & peace of mind.

He is probably confused with banging his head. Did they check his ribs . Why were they muttering 'failing'. Does he have a heart problem ? Carry an alert card for bleeding ?.  I would keep a close eye on him and if he's still sore and confused in the morning ,call the doctor. 

^^^Or as Sharon says get him to hospital 

Knowing very little of medical advice I agree with Sharon, at that age and banging his head. Maybe concussed and a little dis orientated but just on the safe side I'd proceed with caution and make sure he's ok. Xx

It sounds 'quite' normal for a man of his age. Weaker bones, lack of balance.  The confusion could be concussion. It's good that he's slightly better tonight. 

i would phone his GP on Monday or 111 or 999 earlier if he gets worse. 

jourdain; I've been listening to your posts for some time & it's clear that you have been having a major struggle with your oh. 

Getting old is abugger. Watching and caring for a man who is losing his former strength and  the faculties he once had, must be an ordeal, in fact it's worse for you than for him.

I don't know what to advise, can you not get any help from the social services - that probably sound fatuous in the UK, but would be quite possible here.

He is so lucky that he has you. Bon courage! x   

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Thanks, Sharon, but last time A&E at Scarborough was involvedIspent 27 hrs. on a trolley in a corridor before being sent home with no pain control.  Iwasn't fakinganhthing, an X-ray had shown a broken hip replacement which had twisted-off part of my pelvic bone - I was crippled and in agony - so A&E is ano-no round here.

We havea lot of confidence in our GPs.  They will see him on Tuesday again and have accelerated a cardio-echogram tonext Thurs.  I'm just concerned about the mental state really - it is a sudden break with the man I know and he is not sure what day it is.

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Merci, Khandro, vraiment.

Thank you all.  I've got him to bed OK.  I'm hoping that it is just shock and perhaps a little concussion (?). He was bent double, like an illustrationof 'a little old man', but has slept again for most of the evening and seems to be standing taller.

I have to play for All Saints' Day at church in the morning, but I am in hopes that he'll be OK if I alert a very capable neighbour to keep an eye out.

I suddenly had a call from Scarb. hosp.  at 6 p.m., giving me a cancellation slot for a coronary echograph next Thurs...... I think our GP must have rung, we've been on a waiting list for one for 2 mths..

Without knowing his past etc... of which you do, I do hope you'll both be fine. You seem to know whats best for you both... as an outside perspective quite difficult to gage. Hopefully just a blip with his tumble... I wish you both all the best Xx

Make sure that he has an alert card with him if he's on blood thinners. 

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Thanks, Arky.  I'm a fair bit younger than OH, so have always known that this bit was likely , really.  It's hard to have reality crash in.

The support I receive here helps tremendously. It gives brain-space, if you all see what I mean, and also ways out of mental  'traps'.

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andres, he does have an alert card - but being him, he doesn't usually carry anything - he's immortal, he reckons.... this may change his mind. I think I've talked him into a personal alarm, which would be a major advance.

Hope you have a peaceful night and your OH is better tomorrow 

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Thanks barry, I'm off to bed now.  :)

A good nights rest might work wonders. I hope so .X

Sending you much love jourdain, and hope that OH is ok in the morning x

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Thank you all.  He has woken, definitely improved (reassuring), but not 'right' by any means.  Very wobbly on his legs.  Brain clearer, but slow.  I'm taking him to the pub (100 yds.) for lunch in an hour. 

I'm glad that the GP will be having another look at him on Tuesday when he goes for his leg to be dressed.  It's still difficult, but he dressed himself today (yesterday he was trying to put both legs down 1 trouser-leg-hole).

But definitely improved.  He got well prayed for at church this morning, too!

poor you, i know how worrying all this can be. when mr f was failing, i got one of those cc cameras that I could tune in to on my phone to make sure all was ok if i had to go out for a short while.
sending best wishes to you both, and fingers crossed for tuesday you can get some sound advice xx

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Thank you ferlew - and how's the shoulder?  So kind of you to ask about us when you are struggling. x

I'm hoping that the suddenly accelerated cardio-echograph on Thursday at Scarb. may help to shed some light.

i typed on the gmeb thread jourdain, just to save myself re typing. 
i will be keep everything crossed for you :)


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