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yellowduck | 15:18 Sat 28th Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Hey - I'm a horrible person. I cheated on my bfriend last night - just a kiss but I still feel absolutely awful and I know I should. I love my boyfriend totally and utterly with all my heart, he's my soulmate and I'd do anything for him and because of this I told him because I thought he deserved to know so he can make his decision about whether he can still trust me. A true testiment to the type of perosn he is, is that he didn't even yell when I told him, he just cried and said he didn't deserve me anyway and that I was always going to realise this sooner or later. This is totally wrong first of all cos it's me that cheated (!) and secondly because he is honestly the most special person I've ever met, in absolutely every way possible - humour, looks, attitudes, intelligence, mannerisms, musical talent, he's gentle, loving, makes me feel so special - and I obviously told him so. I think he's going to forgive me but I want to make it totally clear to him that it's me who owes him loads to make up for what I've done, as opposed to him feeling like he has to win me back. He could never lose me - I love absolutely every part of him inside and out. Anyway he's a really sensitive guy and like I said he loves his music, so I want to make a compilation CD (sounds ridiculously pathetic compared to what I've done I know) of I'm Sorry songs or songs about loving someone. I was hoping some of you guys might have some ideas. Any suggestions would be most gratefully received. Thanks in advance xxx


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Hello yellowduck. I'm not sure how long you've been with him, or indeed how old you are but to be honest you've done the right thing already. It was only a kiss and you told your boyfriend. I think you've learnt your lesson so I'm thinking the last thing your boyfriend will want is a permanent reminder of this incident in his cd collection.

Accept his forgiveness as the fact that he loves you and make sure you don't do it again. It was only a kiss and you can move on from this with minimum fuss!

Guilt can come between you if you don't move on, learn from it, forget about it and make this make you a stronger couple!

Good luck!

Oh dear this sounds like a slippery slope, make sure you dont take advantage of his good nature.

However i would recommend a song called Good Souls (funnily anough by Starsailor). Its all about people that make your life better.He certainly sounds like on of these

At the fear of sounding cynical - just two hours previously you were concerned about hair straighteners and your double chin.Now this - why bother about him now when you obviously couldnt care less 2 hrs ago.

I smell a rat!!!

ITS ONLY A KISS, what do you define as only, i appreciate your boyfriend is understanding but you have planted a seed of doubt in his mind, all the lovely things you say about him in your question are open to question. i admire your honesty but just one kiss is just one step to far, what was you thinking about at the time.there are boundarys you don,t cross but i have to say if he,s the forgiven type fairplay to him but most people i know would of said close the door behind you
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Drisgirl - to explain, my friend came round to talk things through with me and give me some advice and as I went to have a bath and get ready to see him she asked if she could post a couple of questions under my name. Have told her about this site but she's still sceptical bout giving her email etc x
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Laurence - I totally agree with you. Do you think I should tell him he deserves better and break up? This is a totally sincere question, I need all the advice I can get x
thats for you to call, i was just giving my advise if it works for you both no problem
I'm with laurence2, no matter how far you went with another guy the fact of the matter is you broke a trust. I have to sit back and wonder how you can sit there and say how you love him, he's your soul mate etc. If this was the case it wouldn't have entered your head to have done it in the first place. You're lucky he's going to forgive you.
Just grow up yellowduck ,you're not ready to be faithful to one guy .Let him get on with his life and find someone more mature and faithful.
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Dolly - do older people not make mistakes then? That's an interesting concept. Were you never in love when you were younger?
Yes and I,m still married to him !

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