Quizzes & Puzzles33 mins ago
Moral dilemma
A very good fried is fleecing the benifits system for thousands. He does some serious cash in hand work and only declares about �10,000 of his annual income. He then gets a massive tax rebate and is also claiming �450 a month working families tax credits.
Now this wouldn't be too bad but for the fact that he rams it down my throat at every given opportunity. Every thing is money orientated to him and every time he gets someting new, it has to be bigger and better than everyone else and i'm the first one he phones to tell me about it.
He are also using his disabled mums car which they have through the mobility scheeme. They use this permenantly and it's never used to ferry the mum around as she tends to prefer the bus.
What would you do....maybe i'm just jealous.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I would have to shop him................... he doesn';t sound like a good friend if he rams it down your throat all the time.....................
think how much we are paying in taxes so that he can live the good life...................
Call the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440. Lines are open between 7.00 am and 11.00 pm, 7 days a week. It is free and confidential.
You have to weigh up the issues and decide -
how much of a friend is he, and how would you feel if he found out that you had turned him in (the line is anonyumous, but he may figure it out ...)
do you object to fraud per se, or because it is someone close to you doing it so blatently
are your motives formed from a sense of justice, or as you say, jealousy
You need to have a conversation with yourself, and make a decision, act on it, and then live with it.
I have the same dilemma & am contemplating reporting my sister & her boyfriend. Maybe it IS jealously, after all my hubby & I are 'middle earners' ~ we pay our extortionate rent out of our own pockets & raise the kids with our hard earned cash. We can't afford holidays or flashy cars, whilst these two swan about in their designer gear, a council house (extended) obtained through deception & at least 4 foreign holidays a year.
I have never paid a workman cash in hand, simply because I can't afford workmen ~ my hubby does everything he can regarding repairs. If he can't fix it, it don't get fixed! we finally managed to save for a bigger car which although 9 years old is just what we needed & wanted. The look of disgust on my soon-to-be brother in laws face at us buying such an 'old wreck' has made me think about finally biting the bullet. We are shafted left right & centre because of the likes of him declaring only �60 per week of his �300 earnings. Holier than thou? I think not.
gammaray - Firstly, asking a workman "what sort of discount for cash" implies that he may knock the VAT off - but he may just knock off a little bit as he may not have to pay bank / credit card charges for cash. I have always asked for a discount for paying cash as it shows you are serious - it does not mean that you are trying to commit any sort of fraud, and quite often you can get a discount and a VAT receipt.
Secondly, there is also a world of difference between asking for a cash discount (but not knowing if he is paying tax / vat on the amount) and deliberately commiting fraud.
Your argument is as ludicrous as saying don't shop someone for murder if you have ever driven faster than the speed limit!
andyjevs - if you or anybody else on this forum has any problem with "shopping" somebody in feel free to send me the relevant details and I'll do it on your behalf (seriously).
He does not sound like much of a friend to me; and he is not just rounding up his benefit with the odd tenner here and there. This sounds like systematic large-scale fraud. Much as I dislike the idea of shopping anyone, I would be inclined to reporting him - provided you can do so without giving yourself away.
there is nothing wrong with him using his mums car paid for by dla or aa. thebenefits office may give her the money, but they cant tell her how to spend it!
If people get a car on the motability scheme, they give up all of the mobility part of their benefit in exchange, so it would be like the mum having the same amount of money as she would be paying to rent the car, but giving to her son every week. As far as i know, the government cannot tell you how to spend you money yet!
If however, she gets free tax because the car is owned/driver.used exclusively for a diabled person then that is against "the rules" as you have to sign a declaration saying that the car will be used exclusively for that persons benefit (the person who is getting the mobility benefit) You will be able to tell because their tax disk will say class of vehicle: disabled fee payed 0.00 or something like that