Well said forget me not!!! Yeah, who hasn't been hurt one way or another, I don't think I would be a normal person If I said that I hadn't, I was hurt by boys in my teens, family members that have died, that hurts - so you will be right...I'l be right in saying that you probably have been hurt...people do things for reasons..we will never know why - its called being human...it doesn't bother me that you disagree...its a free country, we are entitled to an opinion...there is still no law on romance Mr Benn...!! You may not think lifes tooo short, but I do....that is my opinion...thats why I live it and enjoy it - make the most of it....nothing or nobody is worth falling out over...in time, they may get over whats gone on...and all become best mates - you'l be surprised what life throws at you!!