ex boyfriend in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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ex boyfriend

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see me | 01:28 Thu 21st Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
my ex boyfriend and ,my new boyfriend are kind of friends.. well they hate eachother but neither one knows it. my ex still loves me even though its been 3 months. he asks me why we had to break up and if he will ever get me back and then goes to class and tells my boyfriend that im a bitch and a skank. My ex has been with 4 other girls after me and blames me for them never working out.. as a matter of fact he blames me for his life going to crap... i dont know what to do. my boyfriend is smaller then my ex and all he can think about is beating my ex up but i dont want him to get hurt... WHAT DO I DO ABOUT MY EX BOYFRIEND!! make him GO AWAY!
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errrrr....don't worry. Once you get to my age this will seem trivial.
Why, how old are you ummmm?
let them fight
Dont repeat what the ex says to you to your BF as it will keep stirring it up. Keep away from the Ex and it will all settle down. if the 2 boys dislike each other anyway they will just ignore each other eventually. But if they wanna fight then they will and nothing u say or do will stop that. take a step back and if u like your new BF then just move away from the ex completely. you cannot be friends with him
33 Mr Ben

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