Hmmm, strange answers....
Porfavour. Your totally right. this guy is abusing his postion. these 16 year old kids dont know any different. He is exploiting them. If he was just a normal worker, i would say there is not as much harm. but with him being a manager, he has responsibilities to go with that job. He should know that these school kids would love what he is offering, and it could be that he is loving the power he gets over them.
Men like this are dangerous, at his age and his job he should be looking for women a littel older. I would report him to his senior manager but not get involved yourself. Just tell him your concerns, and let them monitor the situation.Make it clear to his boss thougfh that you wish to remain annonymous.
Its guys like this who go on to abuse, rape, etc. Do your bit and express your concern. This country needs more aware people like you around...