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Cheese pasty

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dot.hawkes | 15:01 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Relationships & Dating
13 Answers
i am going to spoil; myself, my son is bringing me a greggs cheese pasty..........oh the joys of a week off work!! I have had a sky engineer here for an hour, shall i let him leave or offer him a pasty and try my luck, and how long would it take to dig out under my foundations, build a secure environment, drive the skyman's van to a deserted location and dump it and get back before they realise he was here last? mmmmmmmm


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I don't think you should offer him ya pasty - keep it to your self!
A greggs cheese pasty now your talking mmmmmmmmmmmm
I was with ya dotty right up until you mentioned digging out under your foundations, then I'm afraid I lost the plot a bit- eh?

And urgh- a cheese & onion pasty? They bloody vile, get one of the mexican chicken buttys instead, they awesome.
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China I didn't want to dispose of the guy, just the opposite! But cool link! he has gone now : ( and he fixed the problem too and so he won't be back, you were all just too slow with the advice today! tut
Don't offer your pasty dot!!...

He'll only want another when he has to come back... (to fix what he didn't do correctly the first time)...
Oh sorry Dotty, my mistake, I thought you were looking for tips... I guess my mating rituals are different to yours! Mind you... much less complications my way ;0)

I will now go back to my work after contributing what I feel has been a most productive half an hour of lunch time on here.

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snagged if u can come up with a list of potential break down probs for sky please do!

China - you go girl.........
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I'm sure the words, ''would you like to eat my pasty'', come with a bit too much sexual innuendo. He will be off like a scared wabbit.
mmmm sounds like he was quite a dish!
Do you want a relationship with the sky man?

Or maybe you are after a date with the Pasty?

I'm confused!!!
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me too ummmm, if anything ir should have gone in food and drink, or even home and garden, or media, or how it works, or technology.....but relationships and dating? maybe it is cos I mentioned my son and he is related?

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Cheese pasty

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