Well first of all stop all thoughts of it being something to do with you. If he has a problem then you being so eager might not help, but believe me there are men who can get an erection because a shapely leaf flutters by, so the thing is to find out what is going on with him. The first thing I would want to know is, has it ever happened to him before. He might say no ... but then that might not be true as I still feel there is a great male ego thing involved in this problem. However if you look at statistics it is something than is not that uncommon. There are lots of ways of dealing with it, some medical and some not. The first thing I would do is to take all pressure off him .. he can stimulate you manually or orally and so still give you pleasure and then let him find his own way of having pleasure and not necessarily while having to think about yours. There are loads of sites I am sure with helpful information. If it is something that he might always have a problem with then I suppose you have to ask yourself if you could still be happy with this fantastic man and have a different sort of sex life and yet still have a close and loving relationship. And you know, once he knows that you still would want that, you might find it gets better all by itself ... a bit like when a woman adopts after years of trying for a baby and then finds herself pregnant ... good luck