Question Author
Wow! I really really appreciate all the responses - I've found them all
interesting and helped me clear my head slightly. Since you've taken the
trouble to respond, to answer a few points: There would be no turning my
back on the children and I would always be there for them (I love and care
for them too much). I recognise they are probably better off with their Mum
and I would support that financially and however I could. My soulmate is
aware of all that and I would still have contact with their Mum. I would
minimise the impact on all parties as much as possible - I wouldn't want to
make the situation any worse!
Is the attrractiveness of my soulmate due to her 'unattainablility'? No - at
least it wasn't, we had discussed flats and our future (although I know I
need to win her back, having gone back for my children and hurt her somewhat
in the process! She may say I've blown the opportunity but what we had was
so special I don't want to miss the once in lifetime person!) As someone
said if I don't win back Soulmate I've lost her for ever. Whilst i wouldn't
live with my kids, I wouldn't lose them. If Soulmate subsequently dumps me I
may well regret the decision , but at least I've given it a shot.
Finally, does my wife know about soulmate? Perhaps somewhat amazingly I
don't think so. I did move out for a month (and a week or so prior) but I
was vague on where. She may think so but not raised it , and/or is rather
naive. We are not getting on well, but she's unaware a big part of that is
because I love someone else.
Thanks for your thoughts, any further ones really appreciated. Also really
appreciate the 'Good Luck' sentiments too.