Crosswords16 mins ago
Girlfriend wants break
20 Answers
me and my gf havin been goin out now for 3 months and now she saying she wants a break i asked has she stopped loving me or sumthign and she sed no she's meant evry word she sed to me and she sed she dunno lately things have felt the same and thinks she just needs soem time to sort out ehr feelings and thoughts cause she feels like her heads proper messed up at the moment and ive sed i understand i love u with all my heart i do and u have been the best thing thts happened to me in a long time and if u need space and tht 2 sort urself out thts ok id rather us b 2gether in some way than not at all and she's sed she feesl horrible she didnt say to me in person she sed it to me on msn and she's sed everythings catching up with her now and wen we first met up she expected it to just be a fling sorta thing and it turned into so much more way too quickly which she think is why she feel like she needs some time think bout what she want and what will be best ive asked her how long wud she need and she sed she doesn't kno howevr long it takes and she sed if i didnt wanan hang around adn w8 for her she wud understand but i sed to her i wudnt w8 as long as she needs cause i love her deeply she means to world to me and i love her and she sed she loves me and another thing i sed to her im sorry i rushed thigns at beginnin and she sed no dnt be sorry uve been the best bf ive evr had treated me well, been sweet and been there for me...yu didnt do nothing wrong and ive asked her if she just letting me down gently but she sed no she's not doin this intentially to break up with me she just needs time to figure thigns out and i ve asked her if we r still goin out adn she sed in her eyes we r just takin a break from each other cause we need space i sed well i wants us to still being goin out caus ei love u and i hope u love me to so i wud hope we r still goin out we just not seein each other for a lil while and she sed back u kno i love u
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our gf wants a break because she says she needs some time to figure out what she wants what she thinks is best and to sort out her feelings and that because her mind has been kinda weird lately
and she reckons time apart will do us good. she says she still loves me and has meant evrything she has sed to me and that i should know that because i asked her had she stopped loving me.
she has also sed that when we first met up she thought it was just goin to be a fling but it turned into much more and she says its all catchin up with her.
ive asked her how logn would she need and she has said she doesn't know but if i don't want to wait around for her she understands. ive told her i will wait for as long as she needs because i love her deeply and would rather us be together than not at all.
so basically she wants some time and space to figure thigns out and she still loves me i dunno if still wants to go out with me but i wud believe she does cause she has said she isn't doing this to intentially break up with me.
and she reckons time apart will do us good. she says she still loves me and has meant evrything she has sed to me and that i should know that because i asked her had she stopped loving me.
she has also sed that when we first met up she thought it was just goin to be a fling but it turned into much more and she says its all catchin up with her.
ive asked her how logn would she need and she has said she doesn't know but if i don't want to wait around for her she understands. ive told her i will wait for as long as she needs because i love her deeply and would rather us be together than not at all.
so basically she wants some time and space to figure thigns out and she still loves me i dunno if still wants to go out with me but i wud believe she does cause she has said she isn't doing this to intentially break up with me.
thxs for bein honest guys and havin so much faith but im thinking positively and i believe we will still stay 2gether because she has said she loves and meant evrything she said to me and she's not doing this to intentially break up with me and another thign she sed was when she evr gets sumthing gd she always ruins it somehow and so to tht i believe she still wants to go out with me she just needs time to figure out what she wants because i kno a m8 who kinda went though same thing and him and his gf havin been goin out for years now so it may just be a (**** can't remember word i think its spelt) faze
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tottaly ignore her dont give her any attention at all... if she misses you then she will contact you, dont take her back straight away if she does make her earn it from putting you through this sh1t and by no means expect it. From what you have written and the way you have written it, it sounds like you got way to intense way to quickly, which pushes her away from you.
I dont know the girl so i cant say if she wants to break up with you or is cheating and to be frank neither is certain although as tinkerbell99 said it is usualy the case that it is one of these two things.
if you want to gain a better understanding of how relationships work try reading "The Game" by Neil Strauss its about a pick up artist but in his writting you gain an understanding of what women want and need in order to want to stay with you.
best of luck mate hope it turns out for the best.
I dont know the girl so i cant say if she wants to break up with you or is cheating and to be frank neither is certain although as tinkerbell99 said it is usualy the case that it is one of these two things.
if you want to gain a better understanding of how relationships work try reading "The Game" by Neil Strauss its about a pick up artist but in his writting you gain an understanding of what women want and need in order to want to stay with you.
best of luck mate hope it turns out for the best.