Phooooooo, okay, okay, deep breath.
Okay. The chances of you meeting The One For You are really small. ANd if you do, the chances of it being in the right place at the right time are even smaller. I met a guy a few years ago, and it was like finding the missing piece of a jigsaw. We were put on this Earth to be together, no question. We should have spent our lives together. But, before we met, he had already met and married a friend of a friend, and they had a little son. I knew he was Mr Right, The One, but I couldn't contemplate being with someone at the expense of his family.
So we are just friends. We joke about it, but that's all. And the person I eventually spend the rest of my life with will be Mr Second Best. I hope he will be kind, and sexy, and wonderful, and I hope that we will love each other with a fierce passion. But he is not going to be The One, because I've already met The One, but it was the wrong time and place.
I'm losing my train of thought, but I think the point is that compromises are sometimes forced upon us. But if we are true to our principles, and true to our friends in my case, then we somehow make the right decision. even if we don't know it's the right decision at the time.