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Cheating girlfriend

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sjackson2710 | 23:09 Wed 29th Apr 2009 | Relationships & Dating
12 Answers
i have only been with my girlfriend for 11 months now but she has already cheated on me 3 times to me any type of sexual act is cheating but alot of her friends and some of mine say its not cheating
within the first month the snogged another boy but i let it slide 3 months later she let anuva boy fondle her breasts n touch her body

then 10 months into the relationship she says "if u cheat on me at this stage you dont love me" then 2 days later she let another boy finger her.
the reason i no is cuz she woke up the next morning crying and told me.

now i hav asked her to listen to me and not talk to boys wen im not around and not text other bois etc and she promised me she would listen to me and keeps breaking it. i keep saying i will end it but i cant and she thinks she can get away with it. im 19 and she's 16 i no we are young. but i dont no wat to do can any1 help?


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You are both to young so grow up and move on. Though it feels painful at the time it is part of growing up and most people go through this very painful experience only to be amazed when they meet someone else.
This girl is too immature for the level of vommitment you want from her, so the best thing is for you both to move on and live your lives in the obviously different styles that you think are acceptable, which they are, but not to each other.
I think this girl is bring very immature and clearly does not deserve you, any sort of sexual contact is cheating, and to be honest shes only 16 and she getting it 'on' with different guys??? Do you really want to be in a relationship where your partner doesnt respect you?

It does not matter of her friends or your thinks its not cheating, your in the relationship not them and if you consider it cheating thats enough...

Ive been young before (Im only 22 lol) and at that age a relationship feels like its everything and that you cant imagin seein urself with no one else... But let me tell you something, there is better than her out there, who will love you and respect you above all...

Don't fight a pointless battle you two clearly don't share the same values... its not gonna work...
My honest opinion. she's an immature little girl who is not ready for a relationship. she needs to grow up and you need to get rid.
Does she do skid marks?
Necrophile please.... God can no one give proper advise without taking the p*ss...
No need for that comment Necro1
SuDFB its just I am very fond of skid makes. I just wait tith baited breath my partner takeing their underware off at night time. If the skid mark is big enough I scrape it out and sprinkle it on my cornflakes. Oh what a dream.
A recent study had proved 85% of women are slappers.Does that help to explain things?
I love the sound of the 'slap' of excrement when someone throws it at your face.
What's her phone number?
i question this post, it doesnt read write, i think this is someone getting his rocks off on writing as if hes a retarded 19 year old........who may well have been sleeping with his underage girlfriend.

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Cheating girlfriend

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